Code of Professional Conduct SFT
General Principles
Translators shall carry out their work with honesty and integrity, these two qualities being the foundation of trust between them and their clients. Translators shall not accept work that would demean them or their profession.
2. Fidelity
Translators shall endeavour to reproduce the message to be conveyed as faithfully as possible.
3. Confidentiality
Translators shall treat as confidential and protect the confidentiality of any information or document conveyed to them for the purposes of their work; however translators may breach this rule of confidentiality if the owner authorizes them to do so, if for some reason this is required by law, or if they must do so for their own defence.
Legal obligations
Obligations to clients
Translators shall refrain from any form of misleading advertising, such as claiming titles, qualifications or expertise that they do not possess.
Translators shall endeavour at all times to deliver an appropriate standard of work to their clients.
1. translate solely into their native language or a language in which they are fluent
2. possess the special knowledge and skills required to complete their work.
3. research thoroughly the subject of the communication to be translated in order to produce an appropriate translation.
4. maintain and develop their knowledge and professional skills on a continuous basis.
5. refuse to accept unrealistic deadlines.
Translators shall always advise their clients as to the most appropriate manner in which to accomplish the translation.
Obligations to colleagues
Translators shall be remunerated according to their level of experience, training and expertise, the complexity of the work to be translated, the amount of research required, the deadlines to be met, and any expenses, investments and costs that may be incurred. Translators shall refrain from granting rebates or discounts and soliciting or accepting fees that would create unfair competition, except in the case of occasional and voluntary services delivered to charitable works or organizations.
Compliance with other codes of practice
Respect for the profession and for the SFT
Translators shall not accept any instruction from a client or an employer that could be construed as a breach of the present code.